Wednesday, July 31, 2019

SDC 329 One layer/masking

Hi Stampotique lovers!
Welcome back to our challenge Blog. Nice to see you 😍
We're here with a new theme, called

The next two weeks, we would love to see your projects with only one layer.
So let's have some fun with masking! 
We're always looking forward seeing your artwork!
Below you will find some Designteam inspiration for this challenge. 
If you join in somewhere this week you're in for winning the 30 Dollar gift certificate for one of the participants for the "One layer/masking" challenge.
Please note that from July 1th  on we have made some changes in choosing the winners for the gift certificate. We now choose 1 winner per challenge. So every 2 weeks you have a chance to win a 30 Dollar gift certificate for you own free choice of Stampotique stamps (shipping costs excluded). On top of that the winner's entry will be showcased as a header for the Stampotique Facebookgroup.
And please be aware that you can still join any of our challenges all month long. Even if we have moved onto another challenge, you can still join past challenges if you missed one. Just upload your entry and make sure to add the challenge number next to your entry. But from now on for a chance to win the giftcertificate you must enter in the weeks the specific challenge theme runs.

Please read ALL RULES on the linkz page before linking your creation.

If you didn't follow the rules you may have been deleted.

And last but not least, we wanna announce the winner of the 30$ gift certificate from the "Friends forever" challenge.
It's Clare Lloyd with her beautiful project:
Congratulation Clare!

You can also find us on  FacebookInstagram and Pinterest

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

SDC 2019 Challenge Links

(There are new changes)

Stampotique Challenges run every TWO weeks...... Every 2 weeks the challenge theme changes

Please remember you can use any stamps for our challenge. But of course we love it when you use at least one Stampotique stamp. You can enter 2 different entries per challenge. We also ask that your entries be new creations. From ALL (Facebook and Challenge Blog) entries for a theme we will choose one person  who wins a 30.00 gift certificate. The winner is announced at the start of the new theme on Facebook as well as on the blog. 
(Please Note - Shipping and handling rates are not included in 30.00 GC)

 You can join the challenge through the Inlinkz link. But you can also join in our challenges on our Facebook group. We will be creating a photo album for each challenge, all you need to do is add your project to the proper photo album in order to join.
Please only upload your image to ONE place, either here OR on our Facebook Challenge Album, do not enter in both places

We are no longer accepting creations using digi stamps. These will be deleted, we appreciate those that play with us each week and we welcome those using rubber or clear stamps.

We also ask that you only enter our challenge along with 4 other challenges, anything beyond that and you will be disqualified and your entry deleted

* Please link up DIRECTLY to your creation
*You MUST include the challenge # behind your name (which can be found at the Stampotique Designer's Challenge blog) 

NOTE: Any entries not linking directly to your creation AND having the challeng # will be deleted and not eligible for prize.   For example if I'm entering it would look like this- 
(or whichever challenge # it is)

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

SDC-328 Friends forever week 2

Welcome back to the Stampotique designers blog.
This week it's the second week of the Friends forever challenge theme.

Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

It is all about friendship. So use your rubberstamps to express what friendship means to you. Already looking forward to seeing your entries! Below you will find some designteam inspiration for this challenge. If you join in somewhere this week you're in for winning the 30 dollar gift certificate for one of the participants for the Friends forever challenge.

Please note that from July 1th  on we have made some changes in choosing the winners for the gift certificate. We now choose 1 winner per challenge. So every 2 weeks you have a chance to win a 30 dollar gift certificate for you own free choice of Stampotique stamps (shipping costs excluded). On top of that the winner's entry will be showcased as a header for the Stampotique facebookgroup.

And please be aware that you can still join any of our challenges all month long. Even if we have moved onto another challenge, you can still join past challenges if you missed one. Just upload your entry and make sure to add the challenge number next to your entry. But from now on for a chance to win the giftcertificate you must enter in the weeks the specific challenge theme runs.


Please read ALL RULES on the linkz page before linking your creation.

If you didn't follow the rules you may have been deleted.

Natasja Boseker

Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

Valerie H. Marshall

Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

You can also find us on  FacebookInstagram and Pinterest

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

SDC-328 Friends forever

Welcome back to the Stampotique designers blog.
This week it's time for a new challenge theme.

Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

Over the next two weeks it is all about friendship. So use your rubberstamps to express what friendship means to you. Already looking forward to seeing your entries! Below you will find some designteam inspiration for this challenge.

Please note that from July 1th  on we have made some changes in choosing the winners for the gift certificate. We now choose 1 winner per challenge. So every 2 weeks you have a chance to win a 30 dollar gift certificate for you own free choice of Stampotique stamps (shipping costs excluded). On top of that the winner's entry will be showcased as a header for the Stampotique facebookgroup.

And please be aware that you can still join any of our challenges all month long. Even if we have moved onto another challenge, you can still join past challenges if you missed one. Just upload your entry and make sure to add the challenge number next to your entry. But from now on for a chance to win the giftcertificate you must enter in the weeks the specific challenge theme runs.


Please read ALL RULES on the linkz page before linking your creation.

If you didn't follow the rules you may have been deleted.

Natasja Boseker

Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: 1 persoon

Gemma Maggs

Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

Winner of the "Something funny"challenge:
Debbie Kerce Weinhold is the winner of the "Something funny" challenge. Her entry was this beautiful tag. She wins the 30 dollar giftcertificate.
Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

You can also find us on  FacebookInstagram and Pinterest

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

SDC-327 Something funny week 2

Welcome back!
We are onto our second week of the "Something funny" challenge.

We like to see funny projects.
So what's your funniest artwork ?
We would love if you use Stampotique stamps for your artwork!


Please read ALL RULES on the linkz page before linking your creation.

If you didn't follow the rules you may have been deleted.
We also have a new release of stamps for July and you can check those out HERE !
And now have a look at the DT and GD examples for "Something funny"

Natasja Boseker

Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: tekst

Yvonne Baas
Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: tekst

Jan Marshall
Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

Thanks so much for stopping by, come and join us for this challenge! You can also find us on  FacebookInstagram and Pinterest

Please be aware that you can join any of our challenges all month long. Even if we have moved onto another challenge, you can still join past challenges if you missed one. Just upload your entry and make sure to add the challenge number next to your entry.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

SDC 327 - Something funny

Hi again Stampotique lovers!
Here we are with a new challenge on our Blog.

We like to see funny projects.
So what's your funniest artwork ?
We would love if you use Stampotique stamps for your artwork!

Please read ALL RULES on the linkz page before linking your creation.

If you didn't follow the rules you may have been deleted.
We also have a new release of stamps for July and you can check those out HERE !
And now have a look at the DT and GD examples for "Something funny"

We also have a new spotlight winner for our past "Wings" challenge.
It's Annelies Sanders with her creative "flower-butterflies"
Thank you for joining in Annelies. Your entry will be showcased as header of the Stampotique Facebook group over the next two weeks.

Thanks so much for stopping by, come and join us for this challenge! You can also find us on  FacebookInstagram and Pinterest

Please be aware that you can join any of our challenges all month long. Even if we have moved onto another challenge, you can still join past challenges if you missed one. Just upload your entry and make sure to add the challenge number next to your entry.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

SDC July Challenge Links

(There are new changes)

Stampotique Challenges run every TWO weeks...... Every 2 weeks the challenge theme changes

Please remember you can use any stamps for our challenge. But of course we love it when you use at least one Stampotique stamp. You can enter 2 different entries per challenge. We also ask that your entries be new creations. From ALL (Facebook and Challenge Blog) entries for a theme we will choose one person  who wins a 30.00 gift certificate. The winner is announced at the start of the new theme on Facebook as well as on the blog. 
(Please Note - Shipping and handling rates are not included in 30.00 GC)

 You can join the challenge through the Inlinkz link. But you can also join in our challenges on our Facebook group. We will be creating a photo album for each challenge, all you need to do is add your project to the proper photo album in order to join.
Please only upload your image to ONE place, either here OR on our Facebook Challenge Album, do not enter in both places

We are no longer accepting creations using digi stamps. These will be deleted, we appreciate those that play with us each week and we welcome those using rubber or clear stamps.

We also ask that you only enter our challenge along with 4 other challenges, anything beyond that and you will be disqualified and your entry deleted

* Please link up DIRECTLY to your creation
*You MUST include the challenge # behind your name (which can be found at the Stampotique Designer's Challenge blog) 

NOTE: Any entries not linking directly to your creation AND having the challeng # will be deleted and not eligible for prize.   For example if I'm entering it would look like this- 
(or whichever challenge # it is)